Digital Artefact Observational Research and Conclusion – Twin Peaks


For my observational approach to Lynch’s Community, I decided to take a peripheral member approach, which entails “interacting closely enough with members to establish an insider’s
identity without participating in those activities constituting the core of group membership”
(Adler, Adler, 1994). This means I consider myself a fan of Lynch and his work, and see myself as apart of his fan community but rarely engage with it. So my experience after watching episodes and the series as a whole sort of elevated my appreciation for Lynch, his work, and his fan community. There were three main platforms I used when interacting and observing Lynch’s community. I would usually go from watching an episode or two to browsing one of these platforms on either my phone or desktop computer. These were Facebook (The Kinoplex and Twin Peaks Logposting), Reddit (r/twinpeaks) and YouTube (DAVID LYNCH THEATER). And while I never posted on any of these platforms and interacted with the community in anyway, I still felt involved. Christine Hine makes a good point in saying, “On other platforms, content is generally public and “lurking” or passive reading is the norm for a significant proportion of community participants and therefore, to an extent for the researcher” (Hine 2015). This explains my experience and interaction with these platforms and community I was researching.

The two Facebook groups was something I browsed (and still browse) daily. Both of these groups are mainly shit-posting groups but every now and then I’d come across a few interesting opinions. For example some members weren’t fans of Lynch’s work like a user in The Kinoplex posted a thread that read, “ITT: Times you felt Filtered (A piece of entertainment or media which “filters out” uncultured people)”. A thread started in the comments with, “I just couldn’t watch twin peaks. Stopped at episode 3 with a massive what the fuck am I watching visage”, and someone responded with “Yeah that’s pretty much the reaction to all David Lynch directed stuff”. While I absolutely adore Lynch and am pretty biased towards him, I can understand why one might not be a fan of his work, its not for everybody.

1) Tumblr in 2020 | Movie quotes, Tv quotes, Film quotes
Plebs after watching anything from David Lynch

Reddit was a similar experience to the Facebook groups, but I felt that I got some insightful perspectives, theories, new details, and interpretations from users on the site. An interesting theory I came across was how season 3 (The Return) is a retelling of the Greek myth “Abduction of Persephone”. And finally YouTube, which I found Lynch’s channel ‘DAVID LYNCH THEATRE’ and the community to be wildly wholesome. Lynch uploads weather reports daily and always adds a nice little wholesome note of what he’s been thinking of that day. For example, a weather report uploaded on September 26th, Lynch stated how he had been thinking of trees that day, and how beautiful and important they are. While researching the fan community of Lynch, I came across the ethical issues of privacy. While I wanted to link and quote the people I was researching and looking at, I wanted to respect their anonymity. As Milena Popova points out in her Digital Autoethnography of fan studies, “the fact that content on social media and other internet sites is publicly accessible in theory does not mean that those posting the content necessarily view it as such” (Popova, 2020).

Pin on Random Stuff
The absolute king reporting the weather


To conclude I think what makes me love this show, Lynch, and his community are one in the same. So much of Lynch goes into his work that they sort of feel like windows into his mind. His fan community is packed with die-hard fans of the works with so much to say and add in terms of fan art, theories, interpretations and opinions. The show is weird, quirky, funny, interesting, dark yet optimistic and hopeful. And Lynch is in my mind, all of these things too. His persona seeps into everything he creates and always leaves me intrigued and wanting to find out more, and the more I look into Lynch and his work, the more I want to know. He leaves his work completely open to interpretation just as he leaves himself, and I believe that this is the answer to why David Lynch interests me and holds a special place in my heart.


Adler, P, & Adler, P 1994, ‘Observational Techniques.’ [9th November

Hine, C 2015, ‘Ethnography for the Internet: Embedded, Embodied and Everyday.’ [11th November 2020]

Popova, M 2020, ‘Follow the Trope: A Digital (Auto)ethnography for Fan Studies.’ P. 3 [12 November 2020]

Digital Artefact Autoethnographic Research – Twin Peaks


So now it was time to start Smashing through TP and everything it had to offer. I found myself absolutely enthralled and unable to stop watching for the most of this series. The characters were extremely well written, goofy, and fun. The mystery was captivating and had me constantly guessing. The production quality is unmatched for its time, with incredible direction, writing, cinematography, editing, acting, sets and sound. And most importantly, the show’s atmosphere had Lynch written all over it. So these examples of why I liked TP is all well and good but it doesn’t answer the question, “What it is about Lynch’s persona and work that interests me?”.

Celebrate Twin Peaks' 30th anniversary with these brilliant B&W set photos  | Digital Camera World

To answer this question I had to really start looking inward on what it was about the show that David Lynch brought to it that made me so intrigued. To do this id need to choose a method that best suited my experience with the show. That method would be the Autobiographical method, which aim is to “awaken and inspire researchers to make contact with and respect their own
questions and problems, to suggest a process that affirms imagination, intuition, self-reflection, and the tacit dimension as valid ways in the search for knowledge and understanding”
(Douglass & Moustakas, 1985, p. 40). This method of autoethnography would allow me to talk about and reflect on my experience, opinions, interpretations of the show, Lynch and hopefully gain a better understanding of the question I’m asking myself.

Twin Peaks trees under threat - Geographical Magazine

The first season, which consists of 8 episodes, I believe to be one of televisions greatest opening seasons of all time and smashed it out in about 2 days. These first 8 episodes set up the show and gave solid introductions to the shows major characters. The first 6 episodes from the original series second season were still solid and had me thoroughly engaged and found myself enjoying and invested in every second of the mystery and surreal nature of the show. Episode 7 while easily one of the best episodes, reveals the Laura’s killer. This I believe wouldn’t have been a problem if series wrapped up after this, But the show goes on for another 15 more episodes. Every episode from #7 was such a drag to get through and just felt really silly and not really Twin Peaks. The direction feels off, characters are written super strange, editing and music choices are really weird and abrupt and I just wasn’t invested anymore. Now I did have the understanding that Lynch was infamously uninvolved after the Mystery was revealed and I thought that maybe this affected my views and opinions on these episodes. But I remembered that this was about the time I stopped watching when I first attempted to watch Twin Peaks a few years back and at that time I didn’t have that knowledge. So yeah, I think Lynch truly did bring something extremely special to this show and something that kept me coming back. But at least this time I had the return series to look forward to, which I knew Lynch directed and wrote every episode of. So I decided to push through and finish off the series. After finishing the series I took some time to reflect on the way the show made me felt and how I experienced it. While Twin Peaks obviously deals with some heavy themes, like abuse, drug addiction and murder, it always found a way to incorporate quirkier and optimistic elements as well which I really liked. This contrast is something that I really came to appreciate and notice more as a common characteristic of the show and of Lynch’s as a whole. For example Kyle Maclahclan’s character Dale Cooper, who is the main protagonist, is constantly pitted against these darker themes of the show, but his character always gave me a more optimistic outlook on the show as a whole due to his quirky traits. I would go as far as to say that I even see some of Lynch in this character. Take these two clips for example-

There’s also the philosophical and moral ideas that Lynch implements into the show. Ideas that really stuck with me after the show which made me think and reflect. For example, good vs evil with the supernatural elements of Bob possessing Leland being the evil, and One armed Mike being the good fighting against Bob. I also interpreted Bob as Leland letting his darker side that’s present within him take over and commit these horrendous crimes.

Fire Walk with Me | Twin peaks fire, Twin peaks, Twin peaks laura palmer

After watching the original series I then moved on to Fire Walk with me, which recounts the final days of Laura’s life and exactly how she died. As a stand alone movie, I can’t really seeing this hold up and even as a prequel to the series, I didn’t find it particularly necessary. That being said, Lynch instils a sense of dread into this movie which makes this movie more akin to something like a horror movie unlike the shows more light-hearted tone. This movie left me in a state of depression after watching it due to its dark themes and ideas. While I’m never against an artist censoring or holding back darker themes from their vision, I just don’t think it really fits well when held up to the more off-beat and quirkiness of the show.

Part 2 (Twin Peaks) - Wikipedia

Where to begin with The Return? This shit was weird ass, in true David Lynch style. So this season starts off 25 years after we were left on the cliff-hanger finale of season two. A lot of this season felt more like a dream to me than a series of events unfolding, and its about as Lynchian as I could hope for. Episode 8 (which gave me a little bit of Eraserhead vibes) is such a bonkers episode, and is easily my favourite episode from the series. Just this episode alone encapsulates what it is I love so much about Lynch and his work. Super surreal, experimental and refused to hold my hand and give me the answers to everything I wanted them for, but instead asked me to interpret it how I liked. As the season went and just as I felt that I was starting to get a grasp on answers and what Lynch is trying to convey, part 18 came around and threw me off the rails. It answers questions but for each answered it leaves 20 more its place.

In my next blog I will be discussing my experience with Lynch’s community and the different platforms I used to navigate it. I will be using the participant observation as my research method to analyse my findings and will be summarising my research.


Douglass, G, & Moustakas, C 1985, ‘Heuristic inquiry: The internal search to know.’ [6th November 2020]

Digital Artefact – Twin Peaks

David Lynch. A Director whose filmography is so bizarre and uniquely Lynch that he has a genre named after him. So when asked to chose a media niche to focus an Autoethnography on for an analytic research task (Digital Artefact), the decision to research Lynch and his filmography was an easy one. Lynch has been a very polarizing director ever since his debut with 1997’s Eraserhead and its easy to see why. Nonetheless I love Lynch and his films. But as much as I love his work, I can never really give a definitive answer on why is it I’m so intrigued by Lynch and his filmography.

So for my Digital Artefact, the main question I wanted to hone in on is, “What it is about Lynch’s persona and work that interests me?”. Originally I wanted to focus my research on David Lynch’s directorial efforts, and to observe the spaces where his fans interact. I’ve since decided that narrowing in on one of his works would give me a better opportunity to be more detailed and precise about my experience and research with the work, and the platforms him and his community are most prominent. I also want to format my Digital Artefact through a series of blogs. This first one will focus on the overview and explain key elements of my niche while also explaining some of the methods I will be using. The second will focus on my autoethnographic research, which is described by Sarah Wall as a “research method that allows the author to write in a highly personalised style, drawing on his or her experience to extend understanding about a societal phenomenon“(Wall 2006, P. 1). Finally, The third blog will look at my observational research, which consists of “observing and recording human behaviour in a particular setting (often referred to as ‘the field’)” (Marvasti 2014, P. 355). and summarise my research.

I had a lot of choice when it came to picking from Lynch’s body of work. At first I was considering focusing my research on his first directorial effort, Eraserhead, as I and many others believe this to be his most “heady” movie. I then re-watched Mullholland Drive, as this is arguably his most acclaimed and accessible films. But after some consideration, I chose to opt for Twin Peaks due to the shear amount of content and fan community surrounding the show.

The Secret Jewish History of 'Twin Peaks' – The Forward

I decided to include the original series, Fire walk with me, and The Return into my research and focus on my experience before, while, and after watching all the Twin Peaks content. This will be the autoethnography aspect of my Digital Artefact, My experience with Twin Peaks and how I experienced it. My Observational research will take place on the Facebook groups The Kinoplex and Twin Peaks LogPosting, and Lynch’s Twitter and YouTube pages.

So, Twin Peaks. Where to begin? Well firstly, I want to start by saying that I tried watching this show a few years ago but found myself disinterested about halfway through the second season. But around the same time I was starting to narrow down my research on David Lynch, I was browsing through a Facebook group known as the Kinoplex. While on this page I came across someone who posted about Twin Peaks saying “I’m trying my darndest to give Twin Peaks a full watch through. This is my second attempt. So far, I’m sure of this: Deputy Andy did not kill Laura Palmer”. Seeing this guy give the show a second attempt sort of pushed me into also having another go at it. Plus I’d been a fan of Lynch’s for a while and feel like it deserved another chance. I then started to find out where I could watch Twin Peaks (legally). Being the biggest streaming platform, I checked Netflix first and to no surprise with their garbage catalogue, it wasn’t there. But Stan being the superior streaming service, had the original series, Fire walk with me, and the return (As well as three of Lynch’s other movies). So I’d watch the entirety of Twin Peaks from my desktop computer in my comfy gamer chair and headphones.

Stan pulling through

So I had a place where I could consume, but before I started absolutely bingeing all of what Twin Peaks had to offer, I decided to do some research on it first. Firstly I went onto the shows IMDB page, looked at a few reviews, and who was involved in the show. I then wanted to know what the best order to watch the show, which led me to Reddit, where someone said that the best order would be to start with TWIN PEAKS (1990-1991), Then to watch TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME (1992), and finally end with TWIN PEAKS: A LIMITED EVENT SERIES (2017). So over 60 hours of content, this was gonna be a mission. I then went onto YouTube to find a video to get me hyped for the journey and saw that a channel I regularly watch, Karsten Runquist, had recently uploaded a video on Twin Peaks.

Before I start talking about my experience with Twin Peaks, I’ll do my best to give you a brief description of the series. So, After beloved homecoming queen, Laura Palmer, is found dead on beach, FBI Agent Dale Cooper is sent to Twin Peaks to investigate the murder. Cooper slowly starts to uncover the towns dark secrets. The show being created by David Lynch obviously becomes ALOT more complicated and surreal than this brief description though. So in my next blog I will start to discuss in detail, my experience with Twin peaks and its content from an autoethnographic standpoint and start to delve into the question of “What it is about Lynch’s persona and work that interests me?”.


Wall, S 2006, ‘An Autoethnography on Learning about Autoethnography’ P. 1 [26th October 2020]

Marvasti, A 2014, ‘Analysing Observations’ P. 355 [27th October 2020]

Project Pitch – David Lynch

For my Digital Artefact, I’ve decided to opt for a video to show and explore my research. In the video I will be mainly using an autoethnographic approach to study and research my niche, and will be using the observation approach to examine the thoughts and opinions of Lynch’s community. I will be using screen recordings and captures, field notes, and voice recordings to examine my research and create the video. Through my research of Lynch’s work and his community, I will hopefully allow me to understand what makes him and his work so engaging and interesting, while also gaining new perspectives on the niche.

After some background research I’ve started to look at some of the common critiques of Lynch’s work and have decided that tackling the issue of his portrayal of women in his work would be an interesting perspective to research from. I’ve also started examining the field site and gathering relevant research. This has led me to sites such as Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, and 4chan.

Through my research I hope to find both the negatives and positives on my chosen niche and hopefully gain new insight and perspectives.

This video pitch serves as an outline of the research plan of my Digital Artefact.

Research and Ethics – David Lynch

In this final blog post about my media niche, I will be discussing the background research I’ve done so far for my media niche as well as outlining some of the ethical issues I may face further into research and how I plan to manage them.

Cannes 2017 première ! | Дэвид линч, Твин пикс, Фотографии
A King pointing at a King/Queen


My research for this niche will be based off the question of “What it is about Lynch’s persona and work that interests me?”. I briefly mentioned this in my last blog and believe by asking myself this I can get a better understanding and insight of what it is that attracts me to certain works and communities surrounding them. Through my research I will also be looking for issues and problems I find with them and analysing the data I collect. When it comes to background research, I’ve started looking at different issues and perspectives that critics of Lynch commonly criticise him for. I briefly touched on his portrayal of women in my last blog, but I’ve recently come across more issues that I think would be an interesting perspective to look at Lynch from. Ever since his directorial debut ‘Eraserhead’, Audiences have constantly been divisive of his work. These viewers that don’t like Lynch movies are told by his fans that they just “Don’t get it”, and fans that like Lynch’s work are told by fans that don’t like Lynch that his work is pretentious. I believe I can understand both sides, as when I first started watching his movies I struggled to understand meanings behinds them, but as I’ve started re-watching them, I’ve given them my own understandings and grown to love and appreciate them.


Majority of my research will be from a autoethnographic approach, but this approach will be accompanied by some of the observational approach, which involves studying and collecting data from individuals. With this comes many ethical issues, as my niche brings with it many different opinions, feelings and thoughts from the people I will be researching. So I must make sure I follow guidelines that will help me combat these issues during my research.

These include-

  • I will be honest in my research
  • I will ensure that all participants feel comfortable
  • I will be respectful during my interactions with others
  • I will be sensitive to triggering topics
  • I will inform participants of my research, how it will be used and where it will be going
  • I will respect the anonymity of participants in online interactions (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Reddit comments/threads)
  • I will correctly reference my sources

I believe anonymity is one of the key issues I will face. One way I can manage Anonymity is to use only the words spoken by users instead of taking photos which could include usernames and personal information. This will come with some challenges which include context behind what they’re saying and the content they re referring to. Although it may be difficult, I will be as accurate as possible and ensure I follow these ethical guidelines.

Research Plan – David Lynch

In my previous blog I explored the field site of David Lynch. I also stated that I was unsure of whether or not I wanted to continue researching David Lynch as my media niche and base my Digital Artefact around him. At first I didn’t think ethnographic study would be needed or wanted but as time went on and I thought about it more, I came to the decision that understanding the appeal behind Lynch would help me and possibly others in my career path.


The First step in my research was to problematise David Lynch as a niche. I think a good way to start to problematise my niche would be to ask myself, “what is it about Lynch’s persona and work that i’m drawn to?”. By asking myself this question I can challenge my perceptions of my chosen niche and gain new perspectives. I could also ask myself “what is it about Lynch and his work that could be seen as problematic?”. A very common critique of Lynch’s work is his portrayal of women. I think this could be an interesting perspective to look at his work from, but as of now I’m still deciding what issue I want to focus on. This lead me into my research plan.


I plan to Document my research plan by incorporating the methods of Observation and Autoethnography into the research of my niche. Observation is ethnographic research can be defined as “a researcher observing and recording human behaviour in a particular setting (often referred to as ‘the field’)” (Marvasti 2014, P. 355). This will be implemented into my research by engaging with Lynch’s work and his community/audience and the platforms they take place (Reddit, Youtube, Twitter). Autoethnography is a more autobiographical experience of research. Its described as “an emerging qualitative research method that allows the author to write in a highly personalised style, drawing on his or her experience to extend understanding about a societal phenomenon” (Wall 2006, P. 1). Using both of these methods as guidelines in my research will let me reflect and make sense of my thoughts and emotions on the field site of David Lynch. During my research process I will be constantly taking notes on my thoughts, ideas, emotions and opinions of the field site and be critical of them. These are whats known as ‘Field Notes’. These field notes will help me to compare my findings and gain insight into my true beliefs about my Niche. When it comes to audience and who I’m trying to attract to my research and findings, I believe my focus would be aimed towards myself, future employers, aspiring filmmakers, people trying to get into the industry, and film enthusiasts.


I created this schedule as to keep a clear guideline and time frame for research, due dates and analysing my research. It will help me to keep track of what work has been completed and the work that is yet to be completed. In my next blog I will be discussing how I will be analysing my research and the ethics that might emerge during my research and how I will control them.


Marvasti, A 2014, ‘Analysing Observations’ P. 355 [26th August 2020]

Wall, S 2006, ‘An Autoethnography on Learning about Autoethnography’ P. 1 [28th August 2020]

Narrowing My Field Site – David Lynch

After having some time to think about whether or not I wanted to focus on David Lynch as my media niche for the second week in a row, I decided that I still think that I have a lot to learn from how he has really cemented himself as not only a filmmaker, but an artist in general. I’m not sure if I’ll continue to research him or choose another director or genre to focus on, but for now, I’m too intrigued by David Lynch.

To understand the interest behind David Lynch as a niche, I’d have to construct a ‘field site’. The term ‘field site’ refers to the spatial characteristics of a field-based research project, the stage on which the social processes under study take place (Burrell, 2009). Constructing a field site of connections would let me be able to compare, contrast, explore and problematise, so I could begin begin to narrow down my research. The easiest way to go about mapping out the network of my field site would be to create a diagram.

David Lynch- Director (Films, TV, Short Films, Actor), Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), David Lynch Foundation (Website, Instagram), and Other Work (Music, Furniture, Paintings, Photography).

After creating this diagram, I decided the best direction to focus my research on would be Lynch as a director. More specifically, to focus on Lynch’s directed Movies, Televisions episodes, and short films. This includes the content uploaded to his YouTube channel (David Lynch Theater). I chose to focus on him as a director as one, this is what he is most known for, and two, Film and TV is what interests me the most. I feel focusing my research on Film and TV will be helpful as I hope to pursue a career in the industry, and may help me to understand it better. By conducting an ethnographic research, I will hopefully be able to understand the appeal behind his work and his creativity, and not only understand the industry better, but maybe become more creative myself.

In my next blog I will begin to explore problematising this media niche and my approach to it, by outlining the key issues to help give a clearer understanding of the niche. At this moment I’m not sure how I will problematise this niche, so I will have to talk to lecturers and research more to get a better idea of how I might approach this and create a research question I can focus on.

Overall, I hope to create a Digital Artefact that will help me to understand the Film industry better, and extend my research to others also pursuing a career in it.

Burrell, Jenna (2009) ‘The Field Site as a Network: A Strategy for Locating Ethnographic Research’, Field Methods, 21:2, 181-199.

Media Niche – David Lynch

I’ve loved Movies for as long as I can remember, and learnt at a young age that the backbone of these movies are the directors. Throughout the years I’ve constantly been entertained and inspired by filmmakers and the passion they put into their craft. As a child I was in awe of works from greats like Steven Speilberg, Ridley Scott, and James Cameron. In my teens I gravitated towards the stereotypical film students favourite directors like Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, and Stanley Kubrick. And now in my twenties, I watch A24 movies exclusively and nothing else. All jokes aside, when asked to choose a Media Niche, I wanted to choose a director whose body of work is wholly unique and loved by their fans, but is also somewhat divisive. The first director that comes to mind for me would be David Lynch.

David Lynch on His Art Exhibition 'Squeaky Flies in the Mud' and ...

At first, Lynch’s work wasn’t really something I was fond of and couldn’t see why his fans made such a fuss about him. His movies never gave clear explanation for things that took place within them and at the time of watching them, it frustrated me. But over the years his movies started to really grow on me. Every time I re-watched one, I found something new in them, and enjoyed the fact that he left the interpretation completely up to the viewer. Slowly I started to realise why the man literally has a genre named after him. This genre usually follows Lynch’s style of mundane life juxtaposed against the grotesque, surrealism and defying clear explanations. I think that this is why people are so drawn to his work. His movies aren’t easy watches and require full attention, and not to be watched with expectations on where the story is going or how it will turn out. A lot of his movie have scenes that are totally bizarre and don’t make sense, but leave it up to the viewer to make their own sense.

Lets take Twin Peaks for example. A satire of soap operas about a murdered homecoming queen and the following investigation. The show drew in 35 Million viewers for its pilot episode. But as the series went on the episodes got more surreal and the ratings dropped as a result. Although the ratings dropped, the show is now seen as a cult classic. Twin peaks is what really bought David Lynch into the spotlight. Nothing like twin peaks had ever been shown on TV before, It was dark, quirky, realised, surreal and was the first truly cinematic series.

David Lynch is almost like a character pulled straight out of a David Lynch movie. Speaking in the most sincere terms, hes a complete madman. Not only is he a filmmaker, but a painter, musician, Actor, and furniture maker. He’s such an interesting and original character. And I think by giving a more in depth analysis of Lynch as a person and artist, his movies, viewers reactions and opinions on them, we can begin to understand why Lynch’s work is so captivating for many people.