Research Plan – David Lynch

In my previous blog I explored the field site of David Lynch. I also stated that I was unsure of whether or not I wanted to continue researching David Lynch as my media niche and base my Digital Artefact around him. At first I didn’t think ethnographic study would be needed or wanted but as time went on and I thought about it more, I came to the decision that understanding the appeal behind Lynch would help me and possibly others in my career path.


The First step in my research was to problematise David Lynch as a niche. I think a good way to start to problematise my niche would be to ask myself, “what is it about Lynch’s persona and work that i’m drawn to?”. By asking myself this question I can challenge my perceptions of my chosen niche and gain new perspectives. I could also ask myself “what is it about Lynch and his work that could be seen as problematic?”. A very common critique of Lynch’s work is his portrayal of women. I think this could be an interesting perspective to look at his work from, but as of now I’m still deciding what issue I want to focus on. This lead me into my research plan.


I plan to Document my research plan by incorporating the methods of Observation and Autoethnography into the research of my niche. Observation is ethnographic research can be defined as “a researcher observing and recording human behaviour in a particular setting (often referred to as ‘the field’)” (Marvasti 2014, P. 355). This will be implemented into my research by engaging with Lynch’s work and his community/audience and the platforms they take place (Reddit, Youtube, Twitter). Autoethnography is a more autobiographical experience of research. Its described as “an emerging qualitative research method that allows the author to write in a highly personalised style, drawing on his or her experience to extend understanding about a societal phenomenon” (Wall 2006, P. 1). Using both of these methods as guidelines in my research will let me reflect and make sense of my thoughts and emotions on the field site of David Lynch. During my research process I will be constantly taking notes on my thoughts, ideas, emotions and opinions of the field site and be critical of them. These are whats known as ‘Field Notes’. These field notes will help me to compare my findings and gain insight into my true beliefs about my Niche. When it comes to audience and who I’m trying to attract to my research and findings, I believe my focus would be aimed towards myself, future employers, aspiring filmmakers, people trying to get into the industry, and film enthusiasts.


I created this schedule as to keep a clear guideline and time frame for research, due dates and analysing my research. It will help me to keep track of what work has been completed and the work that is yet to be completed. In my next blog I will be discussing how I will be analysing my research and the ethics that might emerge during my research and how I will control them.


Marvasti, A 2014, ‘Analysing Observations’ P. 355 [26th August 2020]

Wall, S 2006, ‘An Autoethnography on Learning about Autoethnography’ P. 1 [28th August 2020]

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