
My Digital Artefact primarily focuses on film reviews. My reviews are uploaded to Letterboxd where I then turn that review into a script of sorts and record audio of me reviewing that movie. I then edit the audio over clips of the movie and upload it to YouTube.  

The making process of my digital artefact has consisted of me creating content for both Letterboxd and YouTube. I have five reviews on Letterboxd. Those reviews being Parasite, The Last Black Man in San Francisco, The Joker, Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood, and Midsommar. I Currently have just over 50 followers on Letterboxd. I also have two video reviews up for Parasite and The Last Black Man In San Francisco.

Although I enjoy making content for my YouTube Channel, It hasn’t reached the success I would have liked it too. I think this is due to a number of reasons. The first and main one being that I haven’t engaged and pushed my brand out to audiences ie. Twitter and #BCM114, And that i haven’t been consistent with uploading content on my channel. Although my YouTube Channel may not have reached the success I hoped for, my Letterboxd profile hasn’t done too bad. As i said it currently sits at 50 followers and usually get a number of likes of my reviews. I think this is due to more content and more engagement with Letterboxd compared to YouTube, and also the fact that my audience on Letterboxd have a common interest for movies and are more likely to engage with my content.

When reflecting on where I first began with my Digital Artefact I’m happy with where its come. In hindsight though i think that making more content on YouTube and engaging more with audiences could have led to a more successful Digital Artefact. I put quite a lot of effort into making the videos for YouTube but will use this as a learning experience on how important it is to engage with audiences.

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