Digital Artefact- MovieTalkMedia


When asked to create a Digital Artefact I wanted to explore something I both was interested in and knew quite well. 


So for my Digital Artefact I chose to base my idea around Movies. I brainstormed ideas and ways I could integrate movies and how i could talk about them into my Digital Artefact and ultimately decided on making a Youtube Channel. I was mainly taking inspiration from youtubers I enjoyed watching like Internet Historian and NakeyJakey, and wanted to emulate what they were doing in their videos. With Film as the main focus of Digital Artefact I created MovieTalkMedia, a youtube channel that would review movie and talk about different aspects of them. I also didn’t want YouTube to be the main focus of my DA, so I also created a Letterboxd account where I would post reviews before uploading them as a video on YouTube.


So with my plan set out, I started to set the project in motion by creating content. I Posted my first review for Parasite (2019) on Letterboxd where I slowly started gaining followers. After the review on Letterboxd I took the review and turned it into a script that i could use for a video. I then went out and brought a lapel microphone that I would need to make my videos with. After my setup was complete I began work on my first video which consisted of me taking trailer footage and playing it over audio of me reviewing the movie. After uploading my first video on YouTube I took to reviewing more movies on Letterboxd where i was gaining more followers each review I put up. I then finally uploaded my second review for The Last Black Man in San Francisco.


So the utility of my Digital Artefact was to give users my opinion on movies that ive seen and enjoyed. I tried not to review any mainstream movies and kept mostly to indie movies as I enjoy talking about them more. Movies and the film industry is also my biggest interest and the industry i wish to work in. So while reviewing movies and talking about them is something I’m passionate and enjoy talking about, it also helped me gain more knowledge on the industry I want to work in.


When reflecting on where I first began with my Digital Artefact I’m happy with where its come. Although my YouTube channel hasn’t reached the success I would have liked, My Letterboxd account has done pretty well. I think the main reason why my YouTube channel hasn’t had much success is because I haven’t uploaded enough content and because I haven’t been engaging with audiences.


In conclusion, I think that making more content on YouTube and engaging more with audiences could have led to a more successful Digital Artefact. All in all though, I enjoyed making content on something that I was interested in and had a lot of fun with this project.

MovieTalkMedia Content



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