
My Digital Artefact primarily focuses on film reviews. My reviews are uploaded to Letterboxd where I then turn that review into a script of sorts and record audio of me reviewing that movie. I then edit the audio over clips of the movie and upload it to YouTube.

So far I have five reviews on Letterboxd. Those reviews being Parasite, The Last Black Man in San Francisco, The Joker, Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood, and Midsommar. Currently I’m sitting at 32 Followers on my Letterboxd account and is usually were I get feedback.

I also currently have a video review up for Parasite on YouTube. Right now I’m in the middle of editing my video review for The Last Black Man in San Francisco. Here are some photos of my progress so far.

I’m also in the middle of writing the script for my video reviews of both Joker and Midsommar which will be released within a few days of each other and just after the release of my video review for The Last Black Man In San Francisco.

I think it’ll be interesting to see which reviews do better considering i’ll be reviewing Joker which is a considerably larger movie than the others I have reviewed and will be reviewing. Depending on how well it does I might branch out to more mainstream movies and start reviewing them as well as smaller indie movies.

Like I said Previously Id like to make a video that isn’t a standard film review. Exploring a topic of film or an older film I really appreciate and coming at it from a different angle rather than just reviewing it, I think would be really interesting. An Essay structure would probably what I’d go for. Twitter is also something that I need to start engaging more with and asking people what movies they want me to review or their opinions on the latest movies. During the making stage of my digital artefact I hope to have at least four videos out and be in the process of making an essay type video.

I think that At the moment its hard to tell what kind of content my audience on YouTube are interested in seeing having only one review out, but once I finish and release my other reviews i can decide what type of movies my audience are more interested in seeing reviewed. I also need to engage more with audiences and push my content out to more platforms like twitter to get a bigger reach and have my content noticed.

One thought on “Prototyping

  1. Hey dude, I really like what you are doing with your DA! I’m a huge of film and I find your content really interesting to look at as I get to read how other people interpreted these films. I think if you uploaded more and stuck to a schedule people would be more inclined to come and view your content, considering they don’t know when you will be uploading. This is the same problem I have with my project, but its just something that could be worked. Really cool content and excited to see how it comes along in the future!


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