“Ideas are important because they are the source of every aspect of human endeavour. Our potential is only limited by the ‘quality’ of our ideas.” (Graham & Bachmann 2004)

The idea-

I believe I have a lot of knowledge about one subject and one topic only, and that topic is Movies. Every other topic i’m a little bit small brain. So when I began BCM114 I immediately knew I wanted my Digital Artefact to somehow incorporate movies. And what better way to talk about movies than by making a YouTube Channel. So I decided to create MovieTalkMedia.

Its not much, but its honest work

The main idea for the channel at the start was just simple movie reviews, but after brainstorming and taking inspiration from other YouTubers, I decided I wanted the channel to be more than just reviews. Looking at YouTubers like Internet Historian, Supermega, and NakeyJakey helped me to ideate the incorporation of not only reviews but stories and conversations surrounding the film industry. I also realised that sitting in front of a microphone and talking about what I liked or disliked about a movie, or talking about movie related subjects would be incredibly boring. So I’ve decided to edit and structure my videos in a similar fashion to these creators.

Where I’m at now-

Before starting to produce any videos, I first needed to plan out how I was going to approach making one. I needed a recording device that was affordable and has clear audio. After doing some research and reading opinions and reviews, I decided to buy an Audio-Technica Lapel microphone.

Letterboxd film review for Parasite

After receiving feedback from my Tutor @angusVEVO, I decided to branch out to different platforms such as reddit, IMDB and Letterboxd. I currently have a review up on Letterboxd for Parasite(2019), and plan to post reviews there that I intend to make videos on. I hope to have another review for Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood up on Letterboxd next week. Then the week after have the video review up for it on YouTube.

I then created a script for my first video from my Letterboxd review and recorded the audio. I’m now currently in the middle of editing my first video review, which will be on Parasite(2019). The aim is to have it uploaded to my YouTube Channel by the end of next week. After the review is up, I aim to have a video uploaded every week.

Editing process for Parasite film review


I’ve also been working on more research based videos which takes a lot longer than film reviews. I hope to have at least one of these videos every fortnight. Here’s a basic example of a video i intend to make about the internet’s reaction to the ‘Cats’ (2019) movie trailer.

A basic structure of the video and what I intend to research

Some other ideas that I believe will help me to achieve a more successful digital artefact include:

-Using Twitter to promote my channel more often

-Following more people on Letterboxd

-Starting threads on Subreddits asking people’s opinions on films I intend to review

-Creating a new channel picture and banner for my YouTube channel

Hopefully by fulfilling these additions , I’ll be able to create a more consistent and interesting Digital Artefact. Please feel free to comment feedback or suggestions below and if you’d like to keep up to date with my content, follow me on Twitter @mitchell_b24, or subscribe to my YouTube Channel:

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