

My Chosen Rebel-

In my 1-2 Minute Clip, I decided I wanted to film, interview, and explore one of my good mate’s (Kane Dezius) passion and hobby. Ever since we were young we’ve both been interested in cars but him more so than me. I started to look at other things like cinema while he kept his devotion towards cars. I thought this was very interesting as I believe he sees cars the same way i see film and it’s quite obvious he feels very strongly about his hobby. So I thought that Kane would make a good subject for our theme of rebel. Kane always says he never cares what anyone else thinks of his car or what they tell him to do with it. His car is his and he wants to keep it that way, and not let other people’s opinions persuade him on what to do with it. People also often see his hobby as a bit rebellious as fast cars usually means temptations to go fast. Although his hobby and his actions may be rebellious, I often see passion for something as a form of rebellion. Even though someone may not agree or relate to a passion, no-one will or can stop you from having it.

After I convinced him to be apart of my project, we worked on a rough outline of the questions I would ask him and how he would respond to them:


1- What are your interests

  • Cars (JDM)
  • Mechanical side
  • Fixing cars
  • Appearance of cars
  • Speeding

2- What’s the draw behind cars

  • Started from a young age (toy cars)
  • Movies and Youtube (fast and furious)
  • Finding out which car is which
  • Finding out what cars and styles I was into

3- What is your current car? Have you owned any prior?

  • Nissan Navara
  • BRZ (what have you done to it?)

4- Would you consider this your passion?

  • Where other people’s hobbies are things like fishing, photography or filming, mine is cars and whether it might be behind the wheel or being in the shed fixing or adding parts to make my car mine.
  • Happy place

After we worked out the questions and answers, we worked on a shot-list. Before shooting I looked over some videos that focus on cars (JDM specifically) and kept in mind the shots that were common in those videos. For example, A shot taken of the rims of Kane’s car was inspired by this clip. Some other clips I took inspiration from include:

We also looked at how cars were photographed and integrated that into the footage. Kane has an Instagram page dedicated to his car so he had quite alot of knowledge on how cars are usually filmed.


Close-ups of different parts of the car

  • Rims
  • Spoiler
  • Skirts
  • Exhaust
  • Front and rear of car
  • Side of car

Opening and closing shots-

  • Opening: Kane leaned against car facing away from the camera
  • Closing: Kane leaned against car facing toward the camera


  • Rouse Hill regional park
  • Quiet road
  • The Ponds (Suburb)


  • Mandumaz- Endless in between (Kid Sleepi remix)
Kid Sleepi (Ethan Trumble)

I first shot the interview which I think went quite smoothly, although the footage from the interview was a little bit grainy which is why it wasn’t used in the final edit (Which i’m not too fussed about as I think having the opening shot and closing shot works better instead of cutting between him with the car and him just sitting in a room).

The second day of shooting was focused on Kane and the car. Everything went pretty smoothly during the day and all footage was usable. We did a night shoot but the camera we used to shoot wasn’t the greatest for low light shooting so most footage turned out grainy.


In hindsight, I really should have borrowed a gimbal. Most JDM videos use gimbals and adds a much more professional look to the video which I wish i could have gotten. If the time limit was longer i would have loved to do something similar to this video, where I could focus on both Kane and the people that he shares his love for cars with. Overall thought i’m pretty happy with how the footage audio, and edit turned out.

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